Thursday, 24 February 2011

New gems

I couldn't believe my eyes when I visited one of my favourite yarn stores, Liann, in Tallinn a couple of days ago. I was actually looking for something soft and chunky for another custom Scarflette (in mousy grey), but I accidentally happened to pass the shelf where my beloved Sevillas are stacked, and noticed something I just couldn't leave behind. They have new colours! The rich emerald green and breathtaking magenta, for instance. I can't wait to try these out!

Oh, and the skeins of silk/mohair in the matching colour - these are 'Kid Silk' by Austermann, purchased from Karnaluks in Tallinn. Precious.

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Ma ei suutnud uskuda oma silmi, kui paar päeva tagasi Lianni lõngapoes oma armastatud Sevilladest möödusin. Kuna neil on aastaid olnud üsna sama värvivalik, ei osanud ma isegi loota, et midagi uut võiks lisanduda. Aga need kaks nunnut, kirgas smaragdroheline ja imekaunis kuninglik punakaslilla... oeh! Kuigi seekordne missioon oli leida midagi mõnusat ja pehmet tellitud hiidmõõdus sallkaeluse jaoks, ei saanud neid juveele ju ometi poodi jätta. Püüan praegu enesedistsipliini hoida ja mõned poolikud tööd lõpetada, enne kui neile kallale torman.

Ja see samas punakaslillas toonis siid/mohäär sai hiljuti (tõenäoliselt pitssalli tarvis) ostetud Karnaluksist. 'Kid Silk' Austermannilt. Adoraabel.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

My rainbows

When it comes to clothing, I'm a black-and-white person (added by rare splashes of colour). I'd rather play with edgy, detailed tailoring and luxurious/smart fabrics than colours. The reason for this is that I want people to see me instead of my flaming red mini skirt or candy-coloured shirt.

Box cover of the Visual Power Memory Game by BIS Publishers

This, however, doesn't mean that I don't appreciate colours. I do, very much. And to compensate the monochromity of my wardrobe, I like working with bright colours in my craft projects. The acid green shown in the previous post, for instance. But there is more where that came from. Especially after a very productive photo shooting with my friend Laura yesterday. I still need to sort through the photos, but you can expect some new items in the store soon.

Today, instead of showing any new finished objects, I will leave you with some rainbows I found around me this morning.

My dear Polychromos, set of 24. Although it doesn't show (yet), I actually do use them.

(And should you still yearn for more colours after this, you can visit Loretta's blog hereThis post won my heart.)

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Suur osa minu elust keerleb ümber musta ja valge. Must tint valgel paberil, must kiri valgel ekraanil... Isegi hommikukohvi joon ma mustvalgest tassist. Ja ka mu garderoob on suuresti must-valge (sekka mõned hoolikalt valitud (ühe)värvilised hilbud ja muidugi sinised teksad). Selle põhjuseks on mõtteviis, et ma tahan, et inimesed näeksid mind, mitte mu leekivpunast miniseelikut või kommikarva särki. Pigem eelistan mängida detailirohke rätsepatöö ja heade materjalide kui värvidega.

Sewing threads by Güttermann

See aga ei tähenda, et ma värve hinnata ei oska. Lihtsalt, ma eelistan neid sõrmitseda, mitte kanda. Ja käsitöös kompenseerin seda, mis mu enda garderoobis puudub.

Pearl threads by Coats. If this is not the sign of the collecting urge, I don't know what it is...

Uute valminud tööde asemel jätan siia täna jälje hoopis mõningate värviteraapiliste piltidega. Peagi olen tagasi uute fotodega - eilse põhjaliku fotosessiooni saak ootab sorteerimist. See tähendab, et varsti on ka poodi uut kaupa oodata.

An exclamation mark on my wall this morning

(Ja kui värve veel väheks jäi, võite te lisa otsida Loretta blogistSee postitus võitis mu südame.)

Thursday, 17 February 2011

First in lime

I can't tell you how much I have been enjoying the Estonian weather during the last few days. A trifle too cold for my jogging routine (I'll come back to this topic some time), but the SUN is just worth killing for! There is no better way to start your day than having a nice foamy latte in a sun spot. Which I have done. Every. Single. Day.

Spring is not far anymore. To bring it even closer, I have recently turned towards bright spring colours. This adorable radiant (or acid? or radioactive?) lime green, for instance. There's more coming up in this shade - especially after a very productive consultation session with Maarit last night. I have great, crafty friends:-)

Available in K-E-R-A Softwear
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Vaatamata krõbedale pakasele on minul hea, soe ja päikseline olla. Valgus hakkab Eestimaale tagasi tulema, ja minu akud laevad kõige paremini just päikesevannis.

Kevad ei ole enam kaugel, ja et seda veelgi kiiremini kohale meelitada, olen ma viimasel ajal värviteraapia mõttes nokitsenud kirgaste kevadtoonidega. Näiteks selle suurepärase laimirohelisega (või happe- või lehe- või radioaktiivse konnarohelisega). Siidisegune mohäärlõng ise on muidugi väärtus omaette. Tõeline luksuslik touchy-feely kogemus. Samast lõngast on tulemas üht-teist veel - eriti pärast produktiivset nõustamissessiooni eile õhtul Maaritiga. :-)

Poes müügil

Friday, 11 February 2011

Bohemian Rhapsody

I only have one sibling, but then again, I've always valued quality over quantity. Not only is my big sister a supermom of four and a beautiful, talented person; she is also a great source of inspiration to me and one of my most loyal 'customers'. Besides, she can take a single look at my slumbering bead box and outline the designs for at least five future projects in one go, while I can roll those tiny sparkling balls around for YEARS before I finally come up with an idea worth trying.

These rings are the result of our design co-operation, one could say. Wonderful silver-coloured Bohemian glass beads (three different sizes, but the same type) and silvered jewelry pins I bought from a tiny Southern Estonian town yesterday, attached to looped ring blanks. Two of a kind - one for me and one for Kai.

Here's to you Sis! Love you!

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"Minu kübar! Minu bling! Minu ÕDE ootab mind!" ;-)

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Taming of the shrew

I'm trying to 'domesticate' my new Sony Alpha DSLR-A330. Having taken photos with a small point-and-shoot camera up until now, I must say this stuff is HARD WORK!

So say hello to my new friend. May our co-operation be long and fruitful. :-)
And here's a little sneak-and-peek of what I'm currently working on. Spring colours...

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Üritan kodustada oma uut sõbrakest, Sony Alpha DSLR-A330 peegelkaamerat, ja olles siiani plõksutanud vaid "seebikatega", pean ma ütlema, et see siin ei ole üldse lihtne ettevõtmine. Loodan siiski, et meie koostöö saab olema pikaajaline ja viljakas. :-)