It has always been a little surreal to leap from the snowy Estonian winter right into the German spring, in the middle of magnolias and other trees in full bloom. A kind of 'back to the future' experience; time-travel into the future at least one month ahead.
I'm so sorry I will miss the slow arrival of the Estonian spring this year (oh well, next time...), but there are so many positive things about my stay here as well, and this is what I'm going to focus on. Among other things, I am thrilled to reconnect and meet up with my fellow bloggers around here: Apple and Eve, Betsi, Judith, Juliette and others.
In my next post I will write about a lovely (double) surprise by my fellow bloggers. An acknowledgement I'm so grateful for. At least I'm doing something right here, it seems. :-)
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Väike "ajarännak" - mine võta kinni, kas tagasi või edasi - ja ruumis ümber paiknemine. Olen tagasi Frankfurdis. Veel kord. Mõned kuud.
See on olnud alati kummaline tunne hüpata lumisest ja vargsest Eestimaa kevadest otse keset täies õierüüs magnooliaid ja kirsipuid. Mul on kahju, et kodumaa looduse ärkamisest seekord ilma jään. Aga toredaid asju on siin ka - ja nendele kavatsengi ma keskenduda.
Järgmises postituses kirjutan armsast (kaksik)üllatusest, kahelt toredalt kaasblogijalt saadud auhinnast. Sellega kaasnenud küsimused nõuavad veidi mõtlemist, niisamuti "karika" edasiandmine nagu kord ja kohus. Peatseni! :-)