Thursday, 24 October 2013


This year's autumn has seen so many trips and travels that I haven't really had a chance to settle down at our Tallinn home yet. I arrived back from Karlsruhe, only to return to Germany a week later. This time I'm alone in Frankfurt, on business. In fact, this is the very first time for me to ever go anywhere alone after Uku was born. It feels strange, both in positive and negative sense. I miss my boys, but gosh it feels wonderful to sleep through the night - even though I have to wake up when it's still dark outside!

Every time I'm in Frankfurt, I try to visit Idee Kreativmarkt, my favourite hobby shop here. Their current selection of beads (which was my main target) was a bit of a disappointment, but instead I found something else I'm very excited to use in an upcoming winter hat project I've been thinking of for some time (something similar to Elfi, introduced by a fellow Estonian blogger Krentu recently). These fake fur (or vegan, as it's now fashionable to say) pompoms by Rico Design felt so fluffy and real, I couldn't resist buying three of them: in black, gray and white (yes, I know, I'm a colour coward!), but I might break and go back tomorrow to get this one too:

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Kui ma poleks hetkel kurguauguni sušit täis topitud, oleks tunne täitsa vegaanne...

Olen sel nädalal taas tööasjus Frankfurdis ja võtsin täna ette retke oma armastatuimasse hobitarvete poodi. Põhimissioon oli liblikhelmeste soetamine tulevaste helmeköite jaoks, aga seekordne helmevalik valmistas mõnevõrra pettumuse. Seevastu avastasin midagi, mida olen otsinud. Nimelt heietan juba mõnda aega ühe korraliku ja koheva palmikulise tuttmütsi mõtet (midagi Elfi taolist, mida Krentu hiljuti esitles), aga lõngast mütsitutt mind ei veena. Sobivas toonis karusnahast tutte on jällegi üsna raske leida. Nii et kui ma nägin täna poes neid Rico Designi kunstkarusnahast nupsikuid, sattusin ma nii suurde elevusse, et soetasin neid tervelt kolm - musta, halli ja valge. Kreisimaid toone ei söandanud seekord osta, aga see ülemisel pildil näidatud türkiissinine kutsub...

Esimesena läheb käiku hall. Sellest tuleb üks "vegaanne" müts, nagu tänapäeval on popp öelda. ;)

Friday, 11 October 2013

Turquoise rope

Being in Germany means being closer to some of my favourite bead shops. Some time ago I accidentally discovered the perfect glass beads for crochet rope necklaces. Using farfalle seed beads, it takes less beads and also less time to finish the project. I have used these by Pracht in snow white and mouse gray (combining two different sizes). Now I felt I could try a 'riskier' colour, so I recently purchased some cases in greenish turquoise, to combine with cotton thread in the matching colour. And I love how it turns out!

I'm thinking of heading back to the store for more...

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Avastasin mõnda aega tagasi täiesti juhuslikult köieheegeldamiseks täiuslikult sobivad klaashelmed. Lipsukesed või liblikad, nagu neid maakeeli kutsutakse, on eriti head just sellepärast, et töö saab kiiresti valmis ja ka helmeid kulub koguseliselt vähem. Paraku on Eesti poodides värvivalik väga piiratud, nii olen jäänud truuks kallimale alternatiivile, mida ma aeg-ajalt Saksamaalt kaasa ostan. Prachti farfalle-helmeste värvivalik pole siingi teab mis suur, aga see-eest on toonid väga ilusad. Lisaks "turvalistele" valikutele leidub seal ka riskantsemaid värve. Nii ostsingi hiljuti prooviks türkiisrohelised. Köis, millest hetkel on valmis alles pool (helmeste niidile lükkimine on jube tüütu, eriti kui keegi sind pidevalt jalast sikutab), on mulle igatahes küll väga meeltmööda. Suurepärane värv kandmiseks nii musta kui ka valgega.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Ruhe in Karlsruhe

We flew to Karlsruhe for a couple of weeks, to spend early autumn quality time with our dear ones. Uku is chasing chestnuts under the table, and I decided to make a quick post here before returning to my current translation task for the December issue of National Geographic Estonia. I can't tell you how much this has given me to be able to work for such an excellent magazine! I'm really proud to be a member of their team. (Although the quality of the photographs published in the magazine has pretty much discouraged me from taking any shots myself...)

On crafts front, I only decided to pack a minimum quantity of finished items for the store and some materials for new projects - some meant for sale and some planned for myself. Here is something I have copied many times over, one of my bestsellers in the K-E-R-A store: Shades of Sea Wrist Warmers in pale lavender. Relisted here.

I am running out of the yarn I have used for these. Must find a replacement... Any suggestions?

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Varasügisene kvaliteetaeg kallitega KarlsRUHEs Saksamaal. Rahu, helgus, rõõmu valmistavad tööd, värviteraapia... :)