It's been ages again since my last entry...
Take a look at this inspiring view from my current home office on the attic of my parents' summer house on Hiiumaa Island! Ah, the benefits of mobility!
So what's this mess on my desktop?
1. My MacBook and my iPhone, for setting up an office wherever I am. Honestly, I cannot imagine giving up this freedom of movement!
2. The final draft (sounds kind of like an oxymoron, but it really is the final step before printing) of my new book translation, Switch Bitch by Roald Dahl. Second from the last of the series of my Dahl translations. There is one more set of stories (already delivered to the editor), and then I'm done with the Collected Short Stories. Excellent stuff, from the beginning to the end!
3. Two Moleskine notebooks: one for sorting out my thoughts and the other one for keeping track of the gazillion craft ideas that are constantly circling on my mind.
4. The current translation job: translations for the catalogue of a recently opened beautiful exhibition of applied arts, OrnaMENTAALNE in Tallinn Art Hall. If you happen to be nearby, go check it out.
5. Wedding invitations - the ones we haven't yet managed to send out. (More about the preparations for our Big Day soon!)
6. The preliminary pieces of my pale golden bridal clutch - an idea that still needs to be tested, and soon. Otherwise it may happen that the 'shoemaker' herself will have to go 'barefoot' at her own wedding.
7. Die Kunst, frei zu sein by Tom Hodgkinson (original in English). An excellent book to remind you of stepping off the treadmill of contemporary life, and learn how to do it.
8. Two magazines: this year's wedding special of Anne & Stiil and the current issue of Sensa, which caught my attention thanks to an essay by a friend I recently had a profound and heated discussion about love, life and relationships. Our views on these things are very different, but that's what makes life interesting, isn't it?!
Feels like an overwhelming heap of things to make and do? Well... I intend to enjoy and cherish every bit of it.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer, in case this will be my only blog entry this summer! (I certainly plan on returning sooner, but I'm sure you've heard that one before...) :)
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Järjekordsest miljoni-dollari-vaatest inspireerununa meenus mulle taas see unarusse jäänud veebipäevik siin. Paistab, et ainus viis sellele elu sisse puhuda on midagi taolist, nagu tegi hiljuti Marianne S. oma lehel: enesele ja teistele antud sirgjooneline lubadus vähemalt kuu aja jooksul iga päev postitada. Arvestades aga minu praeguste toimetuste hulka, millest nii mõnigi pole seda laadi, mida riputada homse või ülehomse varna, ei julge selliseid veksleid välja käia. Aga tahtmine on suur. Ja see on peamine.
Väike pildiklõps mu praegustest seinast-seina tegemistest, alustades uusima tõlkekäsikirja korrektuurist ja omaenese mõtete korrastamisest ning lõpetades pulmaettevalmistustega. See suurprojekt on viimastel kuudel nõudnud palju energiat ja tähelepanu, aga süstemaatiliselt ja rahulikult toimetades oleme vähemalt siiani vältinud suuremat paanikat ja närvitsemist. Plaanin selle "projektijuhiameti" eri valdkondi tutvustada ka siin blogis, ehk on meie kogemustest kellelgi tulevikus abi...
Soovin teile kõigile, armsad külalised, kes te sporaadilistele sissekannetele vaatamata siia ikka aeg-ajalt truult sisse põikate, imelist suve! Loodan väga, et see siin ei jää mu viimaseks sellesuviseks sissekandeks, aga eks elu näitab. :)