Flying over my beloved Hiiumaa Island |
I figured I'd compile a little Frankfurt shopping guide - as a checklist for myself and for anyone who might happen to go shopping in FFM in the future. This is my personal selection of the coolest stores in Frankfurt:
Clothes and fashion:
Kleidoskop (Töngesgasse 38, 60311 Frankfurt)
Beautiful, inspiring high-end store selling some of my favourite fashion brands. I try not to go there too often, as I tend to completely lose my practical sense and clarity of mind there. Lucky for me (and my wallet), I hardly ever make it there before the closing time.
Pfüller (Goethestrasse 15-17, 60313 Frankfurt)
A beautiful, spacious boutique selling high-end fashion brands. I love their selection and the way they display their items. And of course their mid-season sales! :)
Frida (Bleidenstrasse 11, 60311 Frankfurt)
Very dangerous to go there, indeed! The last time I stepped in there, I came out with a shearing coat, so for your financial health, it's not too wise to enter (unless you have cash bursting out from your ears and nostrils).
Allure (Stephanstrasse 14-16, 60311 Frankfurt)
I see they have moved, but I haven't made it to their new store yet. However, their beautiful store on Goethestrasse was definitely worth visiting - especially to look for for good bargains on their upper floor. Their selection spans from more affordable everyday brands like Patrizia Pepe to high-end fashion items that make your eyes pop out from your skull.)
Jack Wolfskin (Neue Kräme 30, 60311 Frankfurt)
Coming down to Earth again, Jack Wolfskin is my favourite brand for outdoor apparel and travel accessories. Excellent quality, and every single item I have bought from there, I have cherished and worn with love. This time I decided to invest in kick-ass fleece jackets (I hear winter has meanwhile arrived in Estonia) for myself and for Uku.
Idee. Creativmarkt (Schäfergasse 14, 60313 Frankfurt)
I go there every time I happen to be here in Frankfurt. My favourite product category is quality beads (Swarovski, Rico etc.), but they have recently expanded their selection to include some very nice yarns and knitting accessories as well (although this may not sound too convincing for my fellow craftsters in Estonia, who are used to the heavenly yarn choice in our native country).
Vowinckel (Kleine Hirschgraben 14, 60311 Frankfurt)
Vowinckel is more focused on artist equipment, but they also sell hobby crafting supplies and beads.
And last, but not least, some 'ordinary' stores, like Karstadt (mainly for cute stationery, kids' fashion and Falke stockings and tights), Alnatura (for fresh organic food and bio-specialties that may be hard to come across in Estonia), and DM (we always bring back certain things which are just ridiculously expensive in Estonia - for instance Weleda products that literally cost twice as much back home).
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Kuna ma olen üle pika aja põgusalt taas Frankfurdis tööl, siis otsustasin koostada väikese nimekirja oma siinsetest lemmikpoodidest - nii iseendale checklist'iks kui ka teistele, kes mingil hetkel peaksid sattuma Frankfurti poodlema. Kuna ma arvatavasti nüüd pika aja jooksul siia tagasi ei tule, üritan kõik ülalmainitud asutused enne tagasisõitu laupäeval usinasti läbi kapata.
Rõõm oli taas kord siia tulla, aga veelgi suurem rõõm on tagasi koju lennata. Need kaks nädalat siin on pikim aeg, mis ma siiani kroonprintsist eemal olen veetnud. Printsess on õnneks kindlalt kaasas ja annab endast üsna tihti märku üha jõulisemate jalahoopidega mulle ribidesse. :)