Monday, 16 February 2015

People Around Me: Eeva Sova

I just had the most wonderfully productive and frank brainstorming session on my new designs over the phone with my dear friend Eeva. In fact, it got so intense that she forgot (and missed) her doctor's appointment and I totally gave up the idea of getting any work done before it's time to pick up the Crown Prince from the daycare.

Featuring the stunning jewellery by Aija Kivi, via
Here she is (photographed at our wedding with her partner Raivo and our host Hannes; I just adore this picture!), wearing one of my headpieces I handed out as bridal shower favours for my gals.

I first met her at one of Kristjan's concerts in Tallinn a couple of years ago, and it was 'love at first sight'. Not only is she one of the most beautiful women I know, a great architect and a supermom of two, but she also makes wonderful minimalist jewellery as her hobby. Here are two custom pieces she has made for me: a pendant and a brooch pin from golden leather. Simple yet sophisticated: just the way I like the objects and people around me. :)

So lucky to have you as my friend, Eeva!

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Mul oli just üliviljakas ja aus ajurünnak uute toodete teemal mu hea sõbratari Eevaga. Tegelikult kujunes meie vestlus suisa nii intensiivseks, et tema unustas selle käigus oma arstivisiidi ning mina matsin maha igasuguse lootuse täna veel mõned laused tõlkida, enne kui on aeg Kroonprints lasteaiast ära tuua.

Eeva ei ole mitte üksnes üks ilusamaid naisi, keda ma tean, suurepärane arhitekt ja kahe lapse superema, vaid valmistab hobikorras ka imekauneid minimalistlikke ehteid. Kahe ülaltoodud eseme, kuldsest nahast ripatsi ja prossi uhke ja tänulik omanik olen mina. Lihtne, aga samas sophisticated - täpselt sellised, nagu mulle meeldivad asjad ja inimesed mu ümber! :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Wednesday WIP

There are days when I feel like an energy-bomb supermom (these days usually start with a morning run to the sea and back), and then there are those like today, which can be pretty much described with the following situation: You are stuck on the couch, breastfeeding the Princess, while the Crown Prince is right there at the dining table (but still out of your reach), shoveling buckwheat out of his bowl and onto the floor. With a systematic thoroughness characteristic of him. You are sitting there, listening to this specific sound of stewn buckwheat groats falling onto the parquet, and you are feeling that you are completely and utterly out of strength.

Three nights in a row alone with the kids (Kristjan has been recording in Gothenburg) seems to be my limit of tolerance. By the time the two of them are finally asleep, I'm squeezed out like a lemon, and no matter what my master plan for the evening was, the only thing I feel like doing is to crawl to the bed, pull a blanket over my head and stay there like this for a veeery long time - say, eighteen years.

From now on, I will try to make a new post every Wednesday, showing you my current work in progress. Mainly to discipline myself to finish the things I start. So, here is a sneak-and-peek picture of my latest project.

Eh, the whole life is a work in progress, isn't it?

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Kolm õhtut lastega omapäi (Kristjan on Göteborgis plaati salvestamas) tundub olevat minu taluvuspiir. Laste ööune ajaks olen ma ka ise omadega nii läbi, et ükskõik, milline oli mu masterplaan, on ainus asi, mida ma teha tahan, voodisse roomata, tekk üle pea tõmmata ja magada - nii umbes järgmised kaheksateist aastat.

On päevi, mil ma tunnen ennast nagu energiapomm-superema (sellised päevad algavad tavaliselt kerget eneseületust nõudva jooksuringiga), ja siis on selliseid, nagu täna, mille võtab üsna hästi kokku järgmine olustikupildike: sa istud Printsessi imetades staatilises poosis diivanil ja kuuled, kuidas Kroonprints sealsamas kõrval (aga ometi käeulatusest väljaspool) endale omase süstemaatilise põhjalikkusega kausist tatart põrandale kühveldab. Kuulad seda spetsiifilist plobinat, mida tekitavad hautatud tatraterad parketile kukkudes, ja mõtled, et enam lihtsalt ei jaksa...

Aga siis on veidi hiljem kogu elamisele laskunud vaikus ning sa vaatad oma kahte magavat inglit ja tunned ennast kohutavalt süüdi, et kogu su zen-rahu vahepeal justkui tulvaveega rentslist alla voolas. 

Eh, elu ise on üks suur work in progress.

Käsitöö vallas aga püüan edaspidi kolmapäeviti "rindeuudiseid" jagada ning postitada piilupildi oma parajasti käsil olevast tööst. Põhiliselt ikka selleks, et distsiplineerida iseennast alustatud töid lõpule viima - vaatamata ülal kirjeldatud bipolaarsele olukorrale. :)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Visual identity

As I'm eager to het back in my pre-pregnancy shape, I have taken up exercising again. This means that I'm now more happy with my outer self and have more energy to make and do things. This, again, translates into being a better person in general. :)

With this renewed boost of energy, I'm excited to keep working on KERA Softwear and take it to a new level. I'm already working on some new designs and products which have been circling in my head for some time now, so stay tuned!

I have also worked on the overall visual identity of my brand and ordered new business cards as well as textile tags to attach to my finished items. Moo, for business cards, is probably not the cheapest option, but I just love their interface and simplicity. Moo has really succeeded in offering an easy way for customers to design their own cards. I also love that they offer an environmentally conscious option. So here they are: my new Green Business Cards made of finest recycled paper.

I ordered my textile tags from a German company Namensbaender. As I've used their services before, I was confident in their quality already before placing my order for KERA Softwear. For now, I decided to settle on a very simple and neutral design to fit nicely with all my products and the entire spectrum of colours I work with.

Next up: Finally crafting a proper, personal introductory text for my Etsy store and my brand new Facebook page. :)

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Kahe ja poole kuuse Ada kõrvalt spordirutiini taastamine on teinud palju head, toonud rahulolu oma välise minaga ja tõstnud sisemist energiataset. Tänu sellele tunnen ennast üleüldiselt palju parema inimesena. Oma fitness-ponnistustest loodan teinekord pikemalt kirjutada.

Rohkem energiat tähendab rohkem motivatsiooni jätkata ka KERA Softweari ülesehitamist ja uuele tasemele upitamist. Mul on käsil mõned uued kavandid ja tooted, mis on juba mõnda aega mu mõtteis tiirelnud, aga mille katsetamiseni pole ühel või teisel põhjusel veel jõudnud.

Samuti olen veidi tegutsenud ühtse visuaalse identiteedi kujundamise nimel. Paljud asjad käivad endiselt kobina peale, aga mõnda aega tagasi tellitud visiitkaartide ja tekstiiletikettidega olen küll rahul. Kumbki valitud lahendus pole oma nišis tõenäoliselt just kõige soodsam, aga kuna mul on mõlemaga eelnev kogemus, teadsin nende kvaliteeti ja seda, et tellimusega ämbrisse ei astu.

Järgmine ülesanne on lõpuks ometi valmis voolida ilus ja isiklik tutvustustekst oma Etsy poele ja verivärskele Facebooki-lehele. Ootan inspiratsioonipuhangut... :)