Saturday, 31 December 2011

Highlights for 2011

The year ends in a few hours, and I figured that if I don't make an entry now, I probably never will. One of my resolutions for the coming year should be keeping this place alive and kicking. I will do my best, anyway.

Here are some highlights (in random order) that have kept me busy and happy during the ending year.

1. Returning to Estonia. Taking up a country home deep in the woods of South Estonia. It is wonderful to be just where I am!

2. New Zusak (Estonian translation of The Messenger), published in November.

3. New Dahl (Estonian translation of Someone Like You), published in December.

4. Translating for National Geographic, issued monthly in Estonian since October.

5. Going back to school. Yes, I'm a law student now. Who would've guessed...

6. Last but not least - crafting. Indeed, it has been rather quiet in my Etsy store and I have made things mainly for myself or as gifts for my loved ones. I constantly have a WIP of two in progress, but I'm having difficulties keeping it serious. Maybe - hopefully - I will find some more time for handicrafts next year.

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Väike 2011. aasta kokkuvõte asjadest, mis on hoidnud mind tegevuses ja rõõmsana.

1. Kui hea on olla tagasi kodus!

2. Kaks ilusat raamatut: Markus Zusaki "Sõnumitooja" ja Roald Dahli "Keegi sinu moodi". Nautisin väga mõlema tõlkimist.

3. Tõlketöö ajakirjale National Geographic, mis ilmub eestikeelsena alates oktoobrist. Järjekordne töö "hingele" - fantastilised fotod (mis muidugi veelgi süvendab mu pildistamiskrampi!) ja suurepäraselt koostatud artiklid.

4. Tagasi kooli. Jah, ma olen nüüd juuratudeng! Kes oleks võinud arvata?!

5. Viimane, aga mitte vähim tähtis - käsitöö. On tõsi, et aega selle jaoks kipub jääma üha napimaks, aga püüan siiski seda siit-sealt näpistada. Pea on täis uusi ideid. Kui ma murdosagi neist realiseerida jõuaksin, oleksin omadega mäel. :-)