Saturday, 18 January 2014

Survival at -15°C

Greetings from winter wonderland deep in the woods of Southern Estonia! We are here at our country home for another week, despite the crisp minus degrees outside and the fact that heating the ovens has become our main activity inside. But it's so awesome to drop out from your usual comfort zone for a change. I have even taken up running again (hallelujah to my winter Asics that keep me up and going even on bare ice)!

I'm just so glad we managed to get the proper winter gear for Uku before the great cold, including a custom made striped alpaca sweater. When the temperature drops below -10°C, it's all about the right equipment.

Although jumping around in T-shirt is out of the question, it's so rewarding to stay here. For instance, take a look at this million dollar view from our home office!

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Viibime praegu taas metsasügavustes "ellujäämislaagris". Kui temperatuur väljas langeb alla miinus kümne, muutub tants ahjude ümber muidugi siinseks põhitegevuseks, aga lõppkokkuvõttes on kõik õige varustuse küsimus. Õnneks õnnestus Ukule just vahetult enne suurt külma tekitada talverõivaste täiskomplekt, avec tellimustööna valminud kahekordsest alpakalõngast triibukampsun ja need vihased Lenne talvepüksid, millega ma olen väga rahul.

Noh, ja muidugi ei saa üle ega ümber igas suunas avanevatest miljoni dollari vaadetest siinsele talvevõlumaale. Ülaltoodud "kaader" näiteks paistab meie kodukontori aknast. Närverahustav ja samas ülimalt inspireeriv. ;)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Magazine feature

I don't know if anything good will come from this, but to have my Pale Golden Shell Clutch featured in a magazine sure can't be a bad thing! Looking good in the Simply Crochet Magazine, issue 13/2013. :)

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Mõni päev õnnestub lapse kõrvalt rööprapsimine paremini, teinekord jälle harvemini. Kui õhtu hakul blogimiseni jõuad, on järelikult olnud hea ja produktiivne päev...

Ma ei tea, kas sellest midagi head tõuseb, aga see, et mu kahvatukuldne ridikül möödunud aasta lõpus ajakirjaveergudele jõudis, ei saa kindlasti ju paha asi olla. Simply Crochet Magazine, number 13/2013. :)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Photo shoot to remember

Ugh, I was planning to have a strong start with the blogging on the very first day of the new year, but, well, it turned out the way it always does. I'm lagging behind, but better late than never, right? What's even worse, there are still so many cool things to tell you about 2013 that I still kind of live in the past. 

This photo shoot in September, for instance. A beautiful experience from the beginning to the end. A day full of laughter and joy. It was raining cats and dogs when Kristjan dropped me off to the make-up studio; it stayed dry and sunny throughout the entire photo shoot and started raining heavily again a moment after we finished outdoor shooting.

We are infinitely grateful to the professionals that worked with us, starting from the photographer Annika Metsla. My boys too were wonderful and cooperative beyond expectations. Uku managed to get a nasty scratch on his forehead the day before the shoot, but scars make the man, as they say. 

All in all, a wonderful experience, which resulted in 500 [sic!] beautiful photos. We definitely clicked with the photographer well enough to have her documenting a certain Very Special Day later this year (so it was a test shoot in this sense).

Enough with the talking. I'll let the fraction of the images speak for themselves. You can see some more in Annika's blog post here.

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2014. aasta algusesse plaanitud vägeva blogi-avapaugu kohta võiks öelda nii, et tahtsin parimat, aga läks nii nagu alati. Aga parem hilja kui mitte kunagi, eks ole? Erilist puhta lehe tunnet ei ole paraku ka seetõttu, et mitmed (töö)projektid on lohisenud sujuvalt uude aastasse kaasa. Pealegi on veel nii palju toredat 2013. aastast, millest ma pole kirjutanud. Näiteks meie fotosessioon mullu septembris. Imetore kogemus otsast lõpuni. Fotograaf oli fantast, teised asjasse kaasatud profid ka, ning poisid üle ootuste kooperatiivsed. Tulemuseks 500 pilti, mille seast on tõesti raske valida neid kõige-kõigemaid. Siin siis murdosa, suvaliselt valitud kümme. Veidi rohkem jäädvustusi ja natuke juttu fotograaf Annika Metsla blogis.