Saturday 31 May 2014

Pillow talk

The last time I visited Frankfurt, I purchased a piece of heavenly royal blue raw silk fabric. Enough for three cushions - or that's what I thought. Now, more than half a year later, I finally got to the deeds and turned it into cushion covers for our living room. Not completely without drama, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do under the certain circumstances.

First, I bought three cushions in 50 x 50 cm, only to discover that the width of the fabric was 140 cm! Typical me. My first thought was to try and make the cushions smaller, but that's a horribly tedious and time-consuming task. And time is a commodity I treasure most these days. So I bought new ones, this time 40 x 40 cm (and will find a new purpose for the bigger ones).

The seams of the invisible zippers are not perfect, but sometimes getting things done is good enough. (Try keeping a straight seam, when your toddler is at the same time demolishing the rest of the house!;))

Fabric from Karstadt, Frankfurt am Main; invisible zippers in the matching colour from Kangas & Nööp, Tallinn; matching thread by Güttermann (always a reliable choice).

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Havi käsul ja Härra soovil valmisid lõpuks juba tükk aega tagasi Frankfurdist soetatud krellilt kuningsinisest toorsiidist diivanipadjad. Kõik ei kulgenud küll päris ilma draamata, aga teinekord on asjade tehtud saamine olulisem kui täiuslik tulemus. Peitlukkudega võitlesin päris pikalt ja õmblused ei tulnud perfektsed, aga püüa sa siis sirget õmblust hoida, samal ajal kui su jõnglane ülejäänud maja tükkideks lammutab. (See meenutab mulle kunagist vaidlust mu saksa keele õpetajaga Frankfurdis, kelle arvates "perfektsionist" oli selgelt negatiivse tähendusega sõna. Ma ei olnud temaga tol korral nõus, ajapikku aga olen mõtlema jäänud, kas mitte polnud tema tollastes argumentides siiski tibake tõtt...;))

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