With this renewed boost of energy, I'm excited to keep working on KERA Softwear and take it to a new level. I'm already working on some new designs and products which have been circling in my head for some time now, so stay tuned!
I have also worked on the overall visual identity of my brand and ordered new business cards as well as textile tags to attach to my finished items. Moo, for business cards, is probably not the cheapest option, but I just love their interface and simplicity. Moo has really succeeded in offering an easy way for customers to design their own cards. I also love that they offer an environmentally conscious option. So here they are: my new Green Business Cards made of finest recycled paper.
I ordered my textile tags from a German company Namensbaender. As I've used their services before, I was confident in their quality already before placing my order for KERA Softwear. For now, I decided to settle on a very simple and neutral design to fit nicely with all my products and the entire spectrum of colours I work with.
Next up: Finally crafting a proper, personal introductory text for my Etsy store and my brand new Facebook page. :)
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Kahe ja poole kuuse Ada kõrvalt spordirutiini taastamine on teinud palju head, toonud rahulolu oma välise minaga ja tõstnud sisemist energiataset. Tänu sellele tunnen ennast üleüldiselt palju parema inimesena. Oma fitness-ponnistustest loodan teinekord pikemalt kirjutada.
Rohkem energiat tähendab rohkem motivatsiooni jätkata ka KERA Softweari ülesehitamist ja uuele tasemele upitamist. Mul on käsil mõned uued kavandid ja tooted, mis on juba mõnda aega mu mõtteis tiirelnud, aga mille katsetamiseni pole ühel või teisel põhjusel veel jõudnud.
Samuti olen veidi tegutsenud ühtse visuaalse identiteedi kujundamise nimel. Paljud asjad käivad endiselt kobina peale, aga mõnda aega tagasi tellitud visiitkaartide ja tekstiiletikettidega olen küll rahul. Kumbki valitud lahendus pole oma nišis tõenäoliselt just kõige soodsam, aga kuna mul on mõlemaga eelnev kogemus, teadsin nende kvaliteeti ja seda, et tellimusega ämbrisse ei astu.
Järgmine ülesanne on lõpuks ometi valmis voolida ilus ja isiklik tutvustustekst oma Etsy poele ja verivärskele Facebooki-lehele. Ootan inspiratsioonipuhangut... :)
I believe the emphasis should always be on the brand. People think that a brand is sort of disposable, a chore, almost just like a formality to make a business look or seem legit, while it does its workings as you begin to continually figure it out, but it is in fact the vessel that will both guide and boost your enterprise. Brands are those handy microcosms of individual businesses entirety, which allow them to get from one person to the next, go completely cross-continent, and be handy enough to carry and assimilate in one's daily routine. Thus, they are still the most effective means with which to launch and mobilize a business, and reach out to all the quadrants. Thanks for sharing that!
ReplyDeleteDaryl Cross @ Nahi Gazal