Monday, 16 February 2015

People Around Me: Eeva Sova

I just had the most wonderfully productive and frank brainstorming session on my new designs over the phone with my dear friend Eeva. In fact, it got so intense that she forgot (and missed) her doctor's appointment and I totally gave up the idea of getting any work done before it's time to pick up the Crown Prince from the daycare.

Featuring the stunning jewellery by Aija Kivi, via
Here she is (photographed at our wedding with her partner Raivo and our host Hannes; I just adore this picture!), wearing one of my headpieces I handed out as bridal shower favours for my gals.

I first met her at one of Kristjan's concerts in Tallinn a couple of years ago, and it was 'love at first sight'. Not only is she one of the most beautiful women I know, a great architect and a supermom of two, but she also makes wonderful minimalist jewellery as her hobby. Here are two custom pieces she has made for me: a pendant and a brooch pin from golden leather. Simple yet sophisticated: just the way I like the objects and people around me. :)

So lucky to have you as my friend, Eeva!

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Mul oli just üliviljakas ja aus ajurünnak uute toodete teemal mu hea sõbratari Eevaga. Tegelikult kujunes meie vestlus suisa nii intensiivseks, et tema unustas selle käigus oma arstivisiidi ning mina matsin maha igasuguse lootuse täna veel mõned laused tõlkida, enne kui on aeg Kroonprints lasteaiast ära tuua.

Eeva ei ole mitte üksnes üks ilusamaid naisi, keda ma tean, suurepärane arhitekt ja kahe lapse superema, vaid valmistab hobikorras ka imekauneid minimalistlikke ehteid. Kahe ülaltoodud eseme, kuldsest nahast ripatsi ja prossi uhke ja tänulik omanik olen mina. Lihtne, aga samas sophisticated - täpselt sellised, nagu mulle meeldivad asjad ja inimesed mu ümber! :)

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